About My Father is an uninspiring culture clash comedy that fails to leave a mark among its peers. The narrative centers around Sebastian’s attempt to seek his father’s approval before proposing to his fiancĂ©e. Their visit to Ellie’s wealthy family during the 4th of July weekend leads to comedic clashes between their divergent backgrounds. However, the humor lacks depth and originality, and the characters on both sides of the culture clash feel like cardboard cutouts. The only redeeming factor is the chemistry between Sebastian Maniscalco and Robert De Niro, but even their performances struggle to elevate the lackluster material. With a predictable storyline and unimpressive writing, About My Father fails to make a lasting impact, blending in with numerous other films that have explored similar themes more effectively. Visit flixtor for more!
About My Father
| May 26, 2023 (United States)
Director: Laura TerrusoWriter: Austen Earl, Sebastian ManiscalcoStars: Robert De Niro, Sebastian Maniscalco, Leslie Bibb
Summary: When Sebastian tells his old-school Italian immigrant father Salvo that he is going to propose to his all-American girlfriend, Salvo insists on crashing a weekend with her tony parents.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English, Italian