“Barbie” surpasses expectations with its clever narrative and insightful commentary on feminism, consumerism, and identity. Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach breathe life into the toy world, showcasing the complexities of Barbie and Ken’s existence, masterfully portrayed by Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling. The film’s vibrant visuals and imaginative production design transport viewers to a captivating realm. Though some moments may be exaggerated for effect, the film’s exploration of Barbie’s humanity strikes a resonant chord. “Barbie” emerges as a delightful surprise, blending exceptional performances and a thought-provoking story that stays with audiences long after the credits roll. Visit flixtor for more!
| July 21, 2023 (United States)
Director: Greta GerwigWriter: Greta Gerwig, Noah BaumbachStars: Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, Issa Rae
Summary: Barbie suffers a crisis that leads her to question her world and her existence.
Countries: United States, United KingdomLanguages: English