Aardman Animation’s “Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget” lacks the creative brilliance seen in Wallace & Gromit or Shaun the Sheep, despite its kid-friendly appeal on Netflix. The film’s modest execution and uninspired voice cast, particularly Zachary Levi, disappoint. Set after the first “Chicken Run,” the story follows Molly navigating a chicken farm aiming to revolutionize nugget production. Visit flixtor to for more!
Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget
| December 15, 2023 (United States)
Director: Sam FellWriter: Karey Kirkpatrick, John O'Farrell, Rachel TunnardStars: Thandiwe Newton, Zachary Levi, Bella Ramsey
Summary: Having pulled off an escape from Tweedy's farm, Ginger has found a peaceful island sanctuary for the whole flock. But back on the mainland the whole of chicken-kind faces a new threat, and G... Read all
Countries: United Kingdom, United States, FranceLanguages: English