Insidious: The Red Door brings the Insidious franchise to a close, focusing on Josh and Dalton Lambert as they confront their past experiences with the supernatural. However, the film falls short in execution, lacking the necessary depth to fully explore its characters. Patrick Wilson’s directorial debut holds the film together, but the script limits its potential. While it offers a few effective jump scares, the overall horror level remains relatively mild. Simpkins and Wilson deliver solid performances but are confined by their characters’ limited development. The film’s ending feels rushed and underwhelming, failing to leave a lasting impact. Insidious: The Red Door concludes the franchise on a satisfactory note, but it fails to live up to its full potential. Visit flixtor movies for more!
Insidious: The Red Door
| July 7, 2023 (United States)
Director: Patrick WilsonWriter: Leigh Whannell, Scott TeemsStars: Ty Simpkins, Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne
Summary: The Lamberts must go deeper into The Further than ever before to put their demons to rest once and for all.
Countries: Canada, United StatesLanguages: English