In “Muzzle,” directed by John Stalberg Jr., Aaron Eckhart brings to life Jake Rosser, a disgraced LAPD officer wrestling with a tumultuous existence. The film attempts to weave thriller elements with a character study, focusing on Jake, a combat veteran with PTSD. Following the death of his K-9 companion, Ace, Jake delves into an underworld of shady characters, trafficked dogs, and fentanyl production fronts. Despite its intriguing premise, “Muzzle” struggles to delve meaningfully into its themes. Jake’s character feels somewhat one-dimensional, and the romantic subplot lacks substance and coherence. While there are suspenseful moments and touching scenes between Jake and his new partner, Socks, the overall narrative falls short of fully engaging with Jake’s emotional journey. Ironically, Socks emerges as the most expressive and developed character in the film, eclipsing the human characters. Visit flixtor for more!
| September 29, 2023 (United States)
Director: John Stalberg Jr.Writer: Carlyle Eubank, John Stalberg Jr.Stars: Aaron Eckhart, Stephen Lang, Penelope Mitchell
Summary: After his dog is killed in Skid Row, Jake Rosser plummets deep into a sinister underworld to uncover the truth about who may be responsible.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English