“Poison,” part of the Roald Dahl collection, delivers a visually inventive and darkly humorous short film, enlisting the talents of Dev Patel, Benedict Cumberbatch, Ralph Fiennes, and Ben Kingsley. Derived from Roald Dahl’s 1950 work, the film centers on Harry, bedridden with a lethal Krait snake on his abdomen. Director Wes Anderson’s artistry comes to life in this 15-minute piece, marked by clever camera work and exceptional sound design. Visit flixtor for more!
| September 30, 2023 (United States)
Director: Wes AndersonWriter: Roald Dahl, Wes AndersonStars: Dev Patel, Benedict Cumberbatch, Ralph Fiennes
Summary: When a poisonous snake slithers onto an Englishman's stomach in India, his associate and a doctor race to save him.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English