A captivating rom-com unfolds around Nicole and Max, an unconventional duo. Nicole’s carefree revelry stands in stark contrast to Max’s germophobic tendencies. Destiny intervenes when they adopt dogs, Chloe and Channing Tatum. Chloe’s pregnancy leads to their unexpected roles as “grandparents,” intertwining their lives. Amidst hilarious doggie lamaze classes and shared pet challenges, their opposing traits blend into a heartwarming, laughter-infused journey toward romance. Visit flixtor for more!
Puppy Love
| August 18, 2023 (United States)
Director: Nick Fabiano, Richard Alan ReidWriter: Greg Glienna, Peter Stass, Kirsten GuentherStars: Lucy Hale, Grant Gustin, Nore Davis
Summary: After a disastrous first date, Nicole and Max vow to lose each other's numbers until their dogs find a love match. Hilariously mismatched Nicole and Max are forced to become responsible co-p... Read all
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English