In “The Wrath of Becky,” a sequel to “Becky,” our 16-year-old heroine is on a mission to stop a group of neo-Nazis from causing an insurrection and harming her beloved dog. The film starts off slowly but gains momentum in the second half, delivering entertaining action sequences. Set years after the events of the first film, Becky finds herself constantly on the run, desperately trying to rescue her dog, Diego, who has been taken by the hate group. As she uncovers their insurrection plans, Becky races against time to save her dog and put an end to their menacing plot. However, the film suffers from weak character development and an uninspiring screenplay. The kills are decent but lack the intensity and creativity that would have elevated them. Moreover, the characters, including Becky herself, feel underdeveloped and fail to leave a lasting impact. Despite its flaws, “The Wrath of Becky” provides mindless entertainment and can be enjoyed by those seeking an action-filled experience. Visit flixtor for more!
The Wrath of Becky
| May 25, 2023 (United Arab Emirates)
Director: Matt Angel, Suzanne CooteWriter: Matt Angel, Suzanne Coote, Nick MorrisStars: Lulu Wilson, Seann William Scott, Denise Burse
Summary: Two years after escaping a violent attack, a teenage girl must defend herself against a terrorist cell.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English